Military Housing

How To Use Military Housing Rental Software

July 14, 2023

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Military Housing Software

Technology is a critical part of the modern rental property landscape. 

Landlords that use technology and adopt software gain advantages over those that don’t. 

And it’s no different with landlords who rent to military tenants.  

Military housing rental software can streamline and enhance operations for landlords. 

That said, you must know how to use it and what to look for. 

In this article, we’re going to talk about how to get the most out of military housing rental software


The first thing you want to use military housing rental software for is promotion and marketing. A good platform will offer capabilities to effectively spread the word about your properties. Here are some key ways you’ll want to use the software for this purpose: 

  • Comprehensive property listings: You can create detailed listings for your military housing units. Input essential information about the property, including its location, size, number of bedrooms and bathrooms, amenities (I.e., parking, laundry facilities, pools), and any special considerations for military tenants (I.e., proximity to military bases, amenities catered to military lifestyles). 
  • Rich media content: Landlords can enhance their property listings by uploading high-quality photos or virtual tours of the units. This visual content helps military personnel get a better understanding of the property’s layout, condition, and overall appeal before making inquiries or scheduling tours. 
  • Targeted marketing: Military housing rental software often integrates with popular listing platforms and websites specifically designed for military personnel (I.e., MilitaryByOwner). It can also help military members by connecting them to you through a military housing rental program. This ensures that the listings reach the intended audience effectively and increase the chances of attracting qualified military tenants. 
  • Availability and pricing: Landlords can update the software with real-time availability and pricing information. This feature is particularly helpful as the availability of military housing units can change frequently due to deployments, relocations, or housing rotations. 
  • Application tracking: This feature is key to gather data on the number of views, inquiries, and applications received for each listing. This information helps you assess the effectiveness of marketing efforts and make adjustments, as needed. 
  • Mobile-friendly interfaces: Be sure to take advantage of this feature. Most military housing rental software offers mobile-friendly interfaces, allowing prospective tenants to browse and search for available properties conveniently from their smartphones or tablets. This accessibility ensures you reach military personnel who may be frequently on the move or prefer to search for housing options on their mobile devices. 

Application and Screening 

The application and screening features in military housing rental software provide landlords with tools to streamline the process of assessing and choosing suitable tenants. Here’s a more detailed explanation on how to maximize these features: 

  • Online application process: Software allows landlords to offer an online application process for military personnel interested in renting their properties. Tenants can access the application portal through a secure online platform, where they can fill out all the necessary information required for the application. 
  • Customizable application forms: Landlords can create customizable application forms tailored to military housing requirements. These forms typically include fields for personal details (such as name, contact information, and military affiliation), employment verification, rental history, and references. Landlords can include specific questions or sections relevant to military tenants, such as inquiries about military rank, duty station, or deployment history.  
  • Document uploads: Military housing rental software often allows applicants to upload supporting documents directly within the application portal. These documents may include military orders, proof of income, or any other documentation necessary to verify the applicant’s eligibility and suitability. 
  • Tenant screening tools: The software may provide built-in tenant screening features. These typically include background checks, credit checks, and military service verification. It’s wise to use the software to request the necessary authorization from applicants to perform these checks. 
  • Automated verification processes: Military housing rental software often integrates with external verification services, such as credit reporting agencies or military databases, to automate the verification process. This integration helps streamline the screening process by quickly retrieving information and reducing manual data entry. 
  • Decision-making assistance: The software may provide tools or algorithms that help landlords make informed decisions about tenant selection. Use these tools to flag potential red flags, calculate risk scores, or compare applicant profiles against predefined criteria. 
  • Communication and notifications: Throughout the application and screening process, the software can facilitate communication between landlords and applicants. You can send automated notifications or requests for additional information, and applicants can receive updates on the status of their application. This ensures clear and timely communication, reducing delays and confusion. 

Rent Collection 

Rent collection and invoicing features in military housing rental software provide landlords with convenient and efficient tools to manage the financial aspects of their rental properties. Let’s look at some details on how to leverage specific tools related to this feature: 

  • Online payment options: Most platforms allow you and tenants to choose from ACH payments, credit cards, debit cards, and other electronic forms of payment. Be sure to figure out which payment forms you want to allow and limit the system to those kinds of payments. 
  • BAH Updates: Some platforms store and automatically update each year’s BAH rates, promotions and demotions, and transaction reconciliations. This makes it extremely easy for you to get rent payments in the correct amount. 
  • Automatic rent reminders: The software can send automated rent reminders to tenants, notifying them of upcoming due dates and providing instructions on how to make payments. These reminders help tenants stay on top of their rent obligations, reducing the chances of late or missed payments. 
  • Scheduled rent collection: You may want to set up automatic rent collection schedules within the software. This ensures that rent payments are deducted from tenants’ accounts on the specified dates, providing a hassle-free experience for both parties. 
  • Rent invoices and receipts: The software generates and sends rent invoices or receipts to tenants electronically. These documents outline the amount due, payment due date, and any other relevant details. Electronic invoicing reduces paperwork, saves time, and allows for easy record-keeping. 
  • Late fee calculations: If tenants fail to pay their rent on time, the software calculates and applies late fees automatically based on predetermined rules set by you. This ensures consistent and fair enforcement of overdue payment penalties. 
  • Payment tracking and reconciliation: Military housing rental software tracks rent payments, providing you with a clear overview of which tenants have paid and which payments are outstanding. This feature simplifies the reconciliation process and helps landlords identify any discrepancies or issues promptly. 
  • Financial reporting: The software often includes financial reporting capabilities, allowing landlords to generate reports on rental income, outstanding payments, and other financial metrics. These reports provide valuable insights into the financial performance of the rental properties and aid in monitoring cash flow. 
  • Integration with accounting systems: Some military housing rental software integrates with accounting software or services, simplifying financial management. This integration enables you to seamlessly transfer rental income and expense data to their accounting systems, streamlining bookkeeping and tax preparation processes. 


Communication features in military housing rental software provide landlords with convenient and efficient ways to interact with tenants. Knowing which communication features to look for and how to use them is key to maximizing your chosen software’s potential: 

  • Messaging and email capabilities: Most software includes built-in messaging or email functionalities that facilitate communication between landlords and tenants. This allows for direct and secure communication within the software platform, ensuring that important messages are delivered, received, and stored in a centralized location. 
  • Notifications and reminders: Landlords can use the software to send automated notifications and reminders to tenants. 
  • Maintenance requests and updates: Tenants can use the software to submit maintenance requests or report any issues they encounter. Landlords receive these requests through the software and can track, prioritize, and assign them to maintenance staff for resolution. The software can also send updates to tenants, notifying them of the status and progress of their maintenance requests. 
  • Document sharing: The software typically serves as a centralized platform for sharing documents between you and your tenants. For instance, landlords can upload important documents such as lease agreements, move-in/move-out checklists, or community rules. Tenants can then access these documents at any time, ensuring that they have the necessary information readily available. 
  • Emergency communication: In case of emergencies or urgent situations, landlords can use the software to send immediate alerts or instructions to tenants. This can include notifications about severe weather conditions, safety protocols, or evacuation procedures. The software ensures that critical information reaches tenants promptly, helping to ensure their well-being. 
  • Broadcast communications: In situations where landlords need to communicate with multiple tenants simultaneously (think general announcements or policy updates), the software can provide broadcast communication capabilities. Landlords can send messages or emails to all or specific groups of tenants with ease, ensuring efficient and consistent communication. 
  • Mobile accessibility: As mentioned before in the sense of an application, military housing rental software usually offers mobile-friendly interfaces or companion mobile apps, which also makes communication easier once someone becomes a tenant. 


It’s important to understand how military housing rental software can improve your business. Knowing which features to look for and how to use those features makes everyone’s lives simpler.  

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