State Laws

Nevada Landlord Tenant Laws

January 31, 2023

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Quick Facts

Required Disclosures   

Lead-based paint 
Copy of rental agreement 
Landlord/agent ID 
Security deposit receipt 
Fees and deposits 
Utility billing 
Move-in checklist 
Summary of public nuisance law 
Violation reporting procedure 
US flag 
Rent and Fees   

Application Fees: Permitted 
Rent Control: N/A 
Late Fee Limit: 5% of monthly rent 
Grace Period Minimum: 3 days 
Security Deposits   

Amount Limit: 3 months’ rent 
Interest: N/A 
Return Within: 30 days
Fair Housing Protections   

National origin   
Familial status 
Sexual orientation 
Gender identity/expression 

Notice: 24 hours’ 
Permitted Times of Entry: Reasonable 
Eviction Notices   

Rent Demand Notice (Periodic Tenancies): 4-day pay-or-quit notice
Rent Demand Notice (All Other Tenancies): 7-day pay-or-quit notice 
Notice for Lease Violation: 5-day notice to cure-or-quit 
Unconditional Notice to Quit (Illegal Drug Activity): 3-day quit notice
Unconditional Notice to Quit: Immediate

Nevada Landlord-Tenant Law 

Understand the essential landlord tenant state laws in Nevada before enforcing your own rental policies. Find more information in the Nevada state law code. 

Required Disclosures 

Lead-based paint  

(Title X, Section 1018

Landlords in all 50 states must include information about lead-based paint hazards in the rental agreements for most properties built before 1978. Sellers and landlords must distribute an EPA-approved information pamphlet called “Protect Your Family from Lead in Your Home” and disclose any known lead hazards in the property. These obligations were established by Section 1018 of the Residential Lead-Based Paint Hazard Reduction Act of 1992. 

Copy of Rental Agreement 

(NRS 118A.200(2)

The landlord must provide a copy of the written rental agreement for free to the tenant at the commencement of the tenancy. Upon the tenant’s request, the landlord must provide additional copies within a reasonable time and for a reasonable cost. 

Landlord/Agent Identification 

(NRS § 118A.260

Landlords are required to disclose to the tenant in writing the name and address of the persons authorized to manage the premises and receive notices. 

Security Deposit Receipt 

(NRS § 118A.250

Nevada landlords are required to deliver to the tenant upon request a signed written receipt for the security deposit or surety bond. The tenant may also request receipts for other payments, deposits, or fees, including rent. 


(NRS § 118A.275

If the property to be rented is the subject of any foreclosure proceedings, the landlord must disclose this in writing to prospective tenants. 

Fees and Deposits 

(NRS § 118A.200(3)(e-f)

Nevada rent laws require landlords to disclose all required fees and deposits in the written rental agreement, their purpose, and the conditions for their refund if refundable. 

Utility Billing 

(NRS § 118A.200(3)(j)

Landlords must disclose the respective responsibilities of the landlord and tenant(s) regarding utility charges in the rental agreement. 

Move-In Checklist 

(NRS § 118A.200(3)(k)

Landlords must include in the rental agreement a signed record of the inventory and condition of the premises. 

Summary of Public Nuisance Law  

(NRS § 118A.200(3)(l)

In each rental agreement, the landlord must include a summary of NRS § 202.470, which describes the penalties for maintaining or permitting public nuisance. In essence, any person guilty of committing a public nuisance, or refusing to perform a legal duty related to removing one, is guilty of a misdemeanor. 

Violation Reporting Procedure 

(NRS § 118A.200(3)(m)

Nevada landlords must disclose information regarding the procedure tenants must follow when reporting a nuisance or a building, safety, or health code violation to the appropriate authorities. 

United States Flag 

(NRS § 118A.200(3)(n)

In each rental agreement, the landlord must describe the tenant’s right to display the flag of the United States, as established by NRS § 118A.325.  

Rent and Fees 

  • Rent Due Date: Unless otherwise specified in the lease agreement, rent is due at the beginning of the month at the dwelling unit (NRS § 18A.210(3)). 
  • Application Fees: Rental application fees are not regulated in Nevada.  
  • Rent Increases: There is no statewide rent control in Nevada. However, landlords in Nevada are not permitted to increase rent without at least 60 days’ written notice, or 30 days’ notice for periodic tenancies of less than one month (NRS § 118A.300). 
  • Late Fees: 5% of monthly rent (NRS § 118A.210(4)). 
  • Grace Period: 3 days (NRS § 118A(4a)). 
  • NSF/Bounced Check Fee Maximum: The fee for writing a bad check (insufficient money or credit) in Nevada is $25 (NRS 360.238). 
  • Withholding Rent: If the landlord fails to maintain the dwelling unit in habitable condition, the tenant may deliver a written notice to the landlord specifying the failure and requesting the landlord to remedy it within 14 days. If the landlord refuses to remedy the condition, the tenant may terminate the rental agreement immediately and recover damages. The tenant may withhold rent without notice if the landlord has received notice of the condition from a governmental agency and fails to make a good-faith attempt to remedy it within the timeframe (NRS § 118A.355). 
  • Repair and Deduct: If the landlord fails to maintain the unit in habitable condition and the repair costs less than $100 or one month’s rent (whichever is greater), the tenant may arrange for the repair and deduct the cost from the rent. The tenant must still give the landlord prior notice of their intention to repair and deduct and send the landlord an itemized statement of the work order (NRS § 118A.360). 

Security Deposits 

  • Deposit Limit: 3 months’ rent. If the landlord agrees, the tenant may purchase a surety bond to secure their obligation to the landlord under the rental agreement (NRS § 118A.242(1-2)). 
  • Interest: Landlords in Nevada are not required to pay interest on security deposits. 
  • Return Within: 30 days (NRS § 118A.242(4)). 
  • Deposit Location: Landlords are not required to keep security deposits in a separate bank account. 
  • Withholding: Landlords may withhold funds from the security deposit or surety bond (or combination) for unpaid rent, repairs caused by the tenant other than normal wear and tear, and reasonable cleaning costs. The landlord must provide an itemized written accounting of withholdings from the deposit and return it with the remainder of the funds (NRS § 118A.242(4)). 

Tenant Screening and Fair Housing Protections 

Protected Classes 

  • Federal law prohibits discrimination in housing based on race, color, religion, gender, national origin, familial status, and disability (Title 24 USC § 3601-3607). Nevada state law adds sexual orientation, gender identity/expression, and ancestry (NRS § 118.100). 

Credit Reports 

  • Nevada landlords are subject to the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) (15 USC § 1681), which outlines the responsibilities of landlords to protect tenant credit information. According to the Act, landlords may not share tenant credit information with anyone without a legal reason to view it. They must also investigate disputed information, dispose of credit reports after use in tenant screening, and notify applicants when their credit score or history was the reason for their denial. 

Criminal Histories 

  • Criminal background checks may be used during tenant screening in Nevada. 
  • Nevada landlords should follow HUD recommendations for using criminal background checks fairly. This includes avoiding blanket policies for denying applicants with criminal convictions, assessing applicants and their criminal histories on a case-by-case basis, and only denying an applicant when they demonstrate a risk to the safety of other residents or the property. 


  • Advanced Notice: 24 hours’ (NRS § 118A.330(3)). 
  • Permitted Times: Nevada landlords may only enter at reasonable times during normal business hours, unless the tenant expressly consents to shorter notice or entry during non-business hours. Landlords may enter the dwelling unit for inspections, repairs, alterations, improvements, supplying services, or showings (NRS § 118A.330(1)). 
  • Emergency Entry: In case of an emergency, landlord entry without notice or consent is permitted (NRS § 118A.330(2-3)). 

Eviction Notices 

Evictions are complex legal processes often poorly understood by both parties. The eviction process in Nevada is especially complex. Before pursuing eviction, consider hiring an experienced real estate attorney and be sure to review the Nevada eviction process in more detail.

  • Rent Demand Notice (Periodic Tenancies/Less than 45 Days): 4 days to pay or quit. If a periodic tenant or a tenant who has been living in the unit for less than 45 days fails to pay rent when due, the landlord may send a rent demand notice providing four days to pay the overdue amount or quit the unit (NRS § 40.253(b)).
  • Rent Demand Notice (All Other Tenancies): 7 days to pay or quit. For all other tenancies, when rent is unpaid when due, the landlord must send this notice providing the tenant seven days to pay their rent or vacate the unit (NRS § 40.2512). 
  • Notice for Lease Violation: 5 days to cure or quit. The landlord should send this notice when a tenant violates any other lease provision or fails to uphold their obligations under Nevada landlord-tenant law. If the violation is severe and non-curable, no notice is required (NRS § 40.2516). 
  • Unconditional Notice to Quit (Illegal Drug Activity): 3 days to quit. This notice provides no opportunity to “cure” the violation and applies when a tenant violates certain provisions of the Nevada Uniform Controlled Substances Act (NRS § 40.2514).
  • Unconditional Notice to Quit: Immediate. According to Nevada eviction laws, this notice also provides no opportunity to “cure” and applies when the tenant sublets against the landlords’ permission, commits waste to the property, carries out any unlawful business on the premises, or causes injury or damage to other tenants (NRS § 40.2514). 

Other Laws and Facts About Nevada 

  • The median rent rate in Nevada is $2,150. 
  • The median rent rate in Las Vegas is $2,000. 
  • Victims of domestic violence or abuse are entitled to many rights and protections under Nevada law. Any tenant who has experienced domestic violence, harassment, sexual assault, or stalking may terminate their rental agreement so long as they notify the landlord within 90 days. Tenants may also require the landlord to install new locks on the dwelling unit (NRS § 118A.345). 

4 thoughts on “Nevada Landlord Tenant Laws

  1. Can apartments change the grace period that is implemented on a lease agreement. My agreement states that after the 5th they would charge late fees however the send an email that anything paid after the 3rd they are going to charge us late and legal fees.

  2. Nevada. Landlord has 5 Apartments for one address. Apartments are not registered with USPS. Everyone’s mail goes in one mailbox. I don’t have my own mailbox

  3. Our lease was up on May 31st we took our keys into the office at Monday give her all the keys back I want to know if we’re a liable for 60 days notice because she said because we didn’t give him a notice and our lease was up May 31st we didn’t sign a new lease and she says we are obligated to pay 2 months of rent

  4. Can my landlord serve me a 30 day without serving me a 7 day pay or quit. She wants me to also pay her a prorated payment and still leave the apartment. Is it even legal for her to have me get a lease from office depot and fill out the information for both me and her. This is my first apartment so I’m not to sure how to deal with this

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